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Welcome to 
Freedom Spring Chapel

We don't judge; we don't condemn, we simply help

Freedom Spring Chapel is a spiritual community of people from all walks of life whose purpose is to live life, the way Jesus instructs we should, in that we should be loving and welcoming one another with brotherly love. FSC was Established in 2017, and we've grown to become a vibrant community. 

Our ultimate goal is to build a healthy spiritual community, welcoming everybody, and growing together in the faith. We don't judge or condemn; we simply help you walk in freedom through the knowledge of God's word.  

Get connected

Worship with us 

Sunday In-Person Service

Sunday is when we come together as a community to worship. It's also, the opportunity for us to connect to get to know everyone as a family. We do this by spending time interacting with one another before and after service. You can also, join Sunday via Zoom if you cannot join in person - ID: 3015576165 | Passcode: 123

Time: 10 AM - 11 AM prompt 


Spencer Dallington Community Centre,

Northampton, NN5 7BZ

Thursday Online Bible Study

Knowing and applying the word of God appropriately in our daily lives is our utmost priority. We interact with one another to deep dive into the word of God to become light to the world. The service delivery channel is Zoom - ID:3015576165 | Passcode: 123

Communion Service


Our communion service is on the last Sunday of each month where we break bread as instructed by our Saviour King Jesus in Mark 14:22-25. Join us to share fellowship. 

Message from Lead Pastor

Our Commitment

Our ultimate goal as a church is to continually strengthen our knowledge of the infallible word of God, so as to remain stable in Christ. We do not comprise the truth, we encourage, motivate, and exalt. 

We don't judge; we don't condemn, we simply help

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